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Michele Petrelli Art News December 07
A weekly report about my new release as traditional or digital art and other important news.
DEC 07

Welcome back dear art-loving friends,
Before I show you the four paintings of the week, let me tell you a little about myself beyond the biographical information you can find on my website. The stage of my life is divided between my studio and the cliff on the coast of the Ionian Sea in southern Italy. As time has gone on, my love for the sun has diminished, while my love for the sea has increased. I always promise myself to make seascapes as soon as I run out of human introspective subject matter. I have been attracted to this subject since I was a teenager perhaps to better develop that sensitivity to others with which I was not genetically equipped. Now, after years of studying portraits, I recognize very well what goes on in a person's inner self. That's the first step.
I like jet techniques like acrylic that do not take hours, days or months to dry. Acrylic dries in minutes. I use fan brushes and some very thin ones. Water is almost absent. Going back to my studio, I really have a lot of space, but for the past few months I have chosen to paint small paintings. They allow them to be captured in their entirety with a single glance.
Traditional Painting
The following paintings can be purchased also by meeting me privately by a DM on my telegram.
- Birth (2024) acrylic on unprimed 300gsm paper 195 x 140 mm | 7,7 x 5,5 in – 400$

- Thinking about spring (2024) acrylic on unprimed 300gsm paper 140 x 200 mm | 5,5 x 7,8 in – 380$

Thinking about spring
- Handmaids (2024) acrylic on unprimed 300gsm paper 140 x 200 mm | 5,5 x 7,8 in – 350$

- The predator (2024) acrylic on unprimed 300gsm paper 178 x 140 mm | 7 x 5,5 in – 320$ - Sold out

The predator
Digital collectibles
My digital paintings can be purchased through the Foundation and Objkt marketplaces.
Cara.app: >profile

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